At Sir John Talbot’s School we currently use Biometric (fingerprint recognition) through our catering service Cunningham’s Cashless Systems.
The biometric identification system used at the school uses the finger and its image to uniquely identify each student and member of staff. The system measures many aspects of the finger to do this. Each student has some fingerprints registered, which will then be translated into a unique identification code which is entered into the system. The system does not create or store an image of the fingerprint.
The biometric system negates the need for students to carry cash and enables the quick and efficient processing of students through the canteen. Students eligible for free school meals are also no longer distinguishable from other students, therefore removing any awkwardness associated with their entitlement.
To continue the delivery of these systems and work within updated legislation which came into effect on 1st September 2013 under the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012, every school has to obtain parental consent for the use of the student biometric data prior to September. The consent box for the biometric consent, is contained within the Parental Consent part of the Confidential Admissions Form, which you will be asked to complete before your child commences at the school. You can withdraw your consent at any time by writing to the school. In addition, your child may at any time object or refuse to allow their biometric information to be used even if you have given your consent. We would appreciate it if you could explain this to your child.
If you do not wish your child’s biometric information to be processed by the school, or your child objects to such processing, we will provide reasonable alternative arrangements that allow them to access the relevant services.
For further information about biometrics in schools please visit
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