The Sleep Charity | Teen Sleep Hub Launch

Award winning The Sleep Charity launched its brand new Teen Sleep Hub on Thursday with funding received from the National Lottery Community Fund and Coronavirus Mental Health Response Fund.

The Teen Sleep Hub is a fantastic new resource that has been created alongside the charity’s Youth Advisory Panel, composed of young people aged 13-19 from across the country. The cohort expressed their feedback that they found it hard to find any credible information on the subject of sleep and thus a website and eBook has been created by the charity to address poor sleep and its link with mental health as part of the Teen Sleep Matters Campaign.

A press release explaining the full details about the initiative can be found here – download.

Students are encouraged to spread the word amongst their friends; talk to their friends about sleep – the positives and negatives and swap ideas on how to relax, good bedtime snacks and when to stop revising.

Parents/Carers are encouraged to talk to their teens about the importance of sleep and work with them to develop a good bedtime routine, working together as a family to set a time to switch off electronic devices.

Please visit  the Teen Sleep Hub website to find out more and access resources.



Uncategorized / 2 October 2020

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