Sir John Talbot’s School House System 

The House system is an extremely important element to learning and is another important factor that contributes to students’ all-encompassing education at Sir John Talbot’s School. 

Students across Years 7 to 11 are divided into 6 Houses, Alderford, Brown Moss, Blake Mere, Oss Mere, Red Brook and Whixall Moss. House names are local to the school and areas of outstanding beauty. 

Here at Sir John Talbot’s School, we strongly believe that Houses provide students with an increased sense of belonging. Students remain with the same House right the way through school. As they become older, their roles and responsibilities change, and they will find themselves acting as mentors and role models for the younger students. As a caring school, we are always looking for ways to further support and nurture our students and the House system has proved an effective way to further enhance the ‘family’ feeling already so strong at the school. 

Our House Leader organises and facilitates House competitions during the year. They work closely with student House Captains and Deputy House Captains. Their roles and responsibilities are to lead their Houses, with the ‘Student Voice’ a valued and respected tool for development. Throughout the year, students will be given the opportunity to take part in a range of activities from sports to festive-themed events, each providing members with the chance to win points for their Houses. Competitions for House attendance, behaviour, progress and supporting charity is also calculated. 

This element of ‘healthy’ competition is essential to a child’s development and all students are encouraged to take part. House points are recorded electronically and at the end of each academic year, the House with the most points is crowned ‘House Champion’ and will win the ‘House Cup.’ 


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