We are required by the Education Authority to update our procedures regularly for what should happen in the event of the school having to close due to adverse weather conditions or any other emergency.
A decision to close the school rests with the Headteacher in consultation with the Chair of Governors, following appropriate risk assessments and advice from various agencies. The Local Authority is notified immediately of any intended closure.
Once a decision has been made, the following steps will be taken to notify parents/carers.
Local Radio
Local radio stations have agreed to broadcast details of school closures, and you are advised to stay tuned for announcements and updates. Closure decisions will be communicated immediately by Shropshire Council to all local radio stations. Information regarding closures will begin to be broadcast at 8:00am.
Email Communication
Additionally, we will send an email to all parents and carers registered with our parent mail system to inform them if the School is closed by 7:30am.
SMS Text Message
For all parents who have supplied the School with a mobile phone number we will send an SMS text message informing them of any closure by 7:30am.
School Website
Information will also be updated and available on the school website from 7:30am – please see news.
Social Media
Information will be posted on our Facebook Page.
Sir John Talbot’s School Reception
The phone system will be updated with information about any closure. Please ring 01948 660600 and listen to the initial phone message.
Extreme Circumstances
If a significant deterioration in weather takes place during the school day, consideration would need to be given in how best to ensure the safe journey of students home. This decision would be made in light of advice from appropriate agencies.
The school would negotiate with bus contractors to see whether alteration to scheduled services would be possible. If not, students would remain on site under the supervision of staff and await parents/carers to pick these students up. We will post information on the School Website and via Parent Mail.
If your email address is not registered with us, please contact Admin@sjt.mmat.co.uk
We very much hope that it will prove unnecessary for these contingency plans to be put into operation, but should the need arise, we would wish to reassure parents/carers that all steps will be taken to ensure the safety of students.
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