Sir John Talbot’s seeks to foster a caring community atmosphere, where all students are encouraged to develop their self-confidence and to show consideration for others. We want every student in our school to feel like they fully belong to our community. On admission, students are allocated to a tutor group. Tutor time takes place at the start of every day where form tutors will check in on students and ensure that they are fully equipped and prepared for the school day.
Each year group is assigned a dedicated Pastoral Leader who oversees the wellbeing of their cohort. In addition, we recognise the importance of student voice. Within each tutor group two students are elected to represent their form on the School Council. The School Council meet regularly to discuss various topics aimed to drive positive whole school change.
Each lesson students are graded to reflect their attitude to learning (see below). Students receive positive points where they exceed a teacher’s expectations and negative points where their attitude to learning falls short of the school’s expectations. The minimum expectation is for all students to maintain a positive lesson grade score. Lesson grades, along with attendance and punctuality are linked to student rewards. Likewise, students will be issued positive and negative points based on their behaviour in school. Students that demonstrate excellence will be awarded an ‘Achievement through Caring’ award resulting in an email home to parents/carers.
Lesson Grade System | |||
LG 1 | LG 2 | LG 3 | LG 4 |
+1 point | 0 points | -1 point | – 2 points |
We expect all students to attend lessons on time and remain in their lessons. Students requesting permission to leave a lesson MUST ensure that they have a valid reason signed by their class teacher. Students found ‘out of lesson without permission’ will be challenged and where necessary the school’s behaviour policy will be applied.
Behaviour out of lessons must match the high expectations we have within lessons. We are focusing on building a positive community both inside and outside of lessons. To ensure safety, wellbeing, and smooth running of the school, it is essential that students conduct themselves and demonstrate our core values of being kind, working hard and taking responsibility throughout the entire school day. Student’s that fail to meet our standards outside of lesson will be issued with a lunch time detention.
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