Transgender woman holding rainbow flag on sky background, LGBTQ pride, parade, march concept



Rainbow flag Awards

We are working to achieve the 6 badges in the Rainbow Flag award. So far we have:

Rainbow Flag Skilled Teacher Review

Rainbow Flag Supportive governors and Parents Review

Staff and students joined together in our School Diversity week to show support for LGBTQ+ in school and in the wider community. 

LGBT+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, plus other related identities) 

At Sir John Talbot’s School, we are committed to providing a safe, inclusive environment where everyone can be themselves, without fear of prejudice or discrimination. 

Support and Information 

The resources below outline the support, information and guidance available to LGBTQ+ students, parents, carers and staff. 

In school support for students and points of contact for our families. 

Non-judgemental support will be provided to all students, dependent on their needs and we have a range of systems that aim to assist the inclusion of all our students. 

In the first instance students can: 


Local area LGBT+ Support and Information: 

The Proud Trust 

Provides support to LGBTQ+ young people to help them empower themselves and for organisations working with LGBT+ youth communities. 

XYZ Youth Group is a weekly space for young people who identify as LGBTQ+. The project provides a safe space for young people, from secondary school age up until their 18th Birthday, who associate themselves as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community. 


National Guidance for Parents, Family and Friends 

All websites above also have information and guidance for parents, family members, friends, and allies. In addition, parents, family members and friends can access: 


A national voluntary organisation and charity dedicated to supporting parents and their lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans children. 


Gendered Intelligence 

Provides support for young trans people across the UK. They have a range of information available to help inform young trans people in making informed decisions.  



National Support – For Children and Young People Mermaids provides support for LGBT+ young people aged 19 and under.  



They have advice for parents, children, staff, and more advice if you think your child might be LGBTQ+ ( 


Young Stonewall 

This is a charity which provides resources to support young LGBTQ+ people. The site includes a range of information including FAQ’s and support for young people who are thinking of coming out.  



At Sir John Talbot’s we have a zero-tolerance approach to all bullying (including LGBTQ phobic bullying). We treat all bullying extremely seriously and as a result there will be appropriate consequences given. 

If students experience bullying, they can report it to any member of staff who will inform Student Support and ensure it is dealt with correctly. 

As an inclusive school, we welcome feedback from all our stakeholders. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact the school reception who will put you in contact with the correct person. 

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