Whether it is using the internet, games, social media or Apps it is important that families have an understanding the measures they can take to keep their child(ren) safe online. We have put together a directory of useful websites which provide guides and advice to support and to raise awareness initial threats.
Useful Websites:
Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline. They have several resources offering advice about staying safe for each type of device.
National Online Safety is a very useful website which contains lots of downloadable guides, helping to advise parents of the dangers of certain apps and programmes. They also make suggestions on what parental controls can be put in place to help reduce risks when using the applications.
Internet Matters provides expert support and practical tips to help children benefit from connected technology, while using the internet safely and smartly.
NSPCC Net Aware brings together the NSPCC’s expertise in protecting children and O2’s tech know-how to help you keep your children safe online. On their site you will find guides for apps, games and social media sites. They also have risk ratings and age recommendations for reviewed apps, sites and games.
Childnet International is a non-profit organisation working with others to help make the internet a great and safe place for children. Their site provides a parent/carer toolkit, video lessons amongst other key resources.
UK Safer Internet Centre is a site which helps to explain how you can set up filters on your home internet (BT, Sky, TalkTalk or Virgin Media) to prevent age-inappropriate content being accessed on devices in your home.
Google Safety Centre will help you manage what is right for your family to view online.
E-Safety Focus:
Talking about online safety: It is important to have conversations about online safety with your child(ren). The NSPCC have advice about how to start talking to your child about online safety and how to encourage them to come to an adult if anything is worrying them.
Cyber Bullying: Is any form of bullying which takes place online or through a smartphone/tablet. It is against the law in the UK to use the phone system, which includes the internet, to cause alarm or distress. Bullying UK has lots of helpful information and advice.
Catfishing: Is where people pretend to be someone they aren’t by posting false information. It can be a way for online predators to befriend children and teens and is something parents should help their children be smart online about. National Online Safety (NOS) has put together a guide providing top tips.
Fake News: Not everything we see online is factual, it can be hard to tell what is the truth and what is a lie. With social media, stories that may be deliberate lies or not completely accurate can be shared quickly and spread to a wide audience. This CBBC Newsround article goes into depth about fake news and provides some points to look out for.
Parental Controls: A guide that will help you set up parental controls to provide your child(ren) with a safer online environment. Parental controls can help to protect your child(ren) from seeing something that they shouldn’t – although it is important to emphasise that no system is effective all the time, so it is important to engage with your child and talk to them about their online life regularly Parental Controls Booklet.
In School – ICT information
Students at Sir John Talbot’s School have access to internet browsing as part of their progressive learning environment. Access is strictly monitored via specialist software and all social media is blocked via a method of categorization, which is updated regularly to include any of the latest Apps. In line with our ICT Policy, students may bring their own digital devices into school; this includes mobile phones, notebooks & laptops and any other similar electronic equipment including their data storage media. Internet content is filtered on personal devices when connected to the school’s Wi-Fi network; however, students may choose to use their own data connection to access web content which would be unmonitored. Parents are encouraged to have regular discussions regarding web browsing habits and staying safe online.
Mobile phones must be switched off and kept out of reach during the school day unless requested for use as part of the learning by the teacher during lessons.
The Marches Academy Trust recognises the risks associated with the online world and teaches students through the curriculum how to navigate the online world safely and confidently.
Reporting Online Safety Concerns:
School contacts: If you have any concerns relating to the safeguarding of your child online, please contact: Designatedsafeguardinglead@sjt.mmat.co.uk for staff to be able to advise.
Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP):
If you are worried that your child is being groomed or sexually exploited, you should report your concerns to CEOP. CEOP is a command of the National Crime Agency and can investigate what is happening. They will ensure that the safety and wellbeing of your child is paramount at all times.
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