Exam at school with student's taking educational admission test in class, thinking hard, writing answer in university classroom, education and world literacy day concept

Curriculum Implementation


Our carefully sequenced curriculum allows teachers flexibility to adapt classroom practice to the unique individuals in order to maximise the students’ progress. Teachers centre lessons around a ‘Triple A’ approach of anchoring learning, assessment for learning and adapting learning. Lessons promote immediate feedback to address misconceptions quickly and allow students to react and improve their work through Make A Difference (MAD) time. Literacy is promoted across all areas of student’s learning with strategies to promote reading every lesson, oracy, and a broadening of terminology through explicit teaching of key subject-specific vocabulary. We support students to achieve academically through a prism of #RealWorldReady which gives explicit careers links within the daily curriculum. Actioning ‘Achievement Through Caring’ means ensuring that students can access lessons outside of the classroom. All lessons can be accessed live through a student’s Teams calendar where they follow the mainstream curriculum’s intent. We are proud to have a specialist Hub accommodated on site. The Hub currently supports students with ASC and SEMH needs. Hub students are encouraged and supported to access learning and social events within the mainstream school whilst having the support of a small, structured learning environment when needed. All Sir John Talbot’s teachers embark on an evidence-informed Action Research Project (ARP) where they continue to develop academic knowledge in a chosen focus area to keep improving outcomes for our young people.

Key Stage 3

We believe successful creative lifelong learners participate in a journey of self-discovery – they know how to learn, how to acquire skills and feel safe to take risks with confidence and courage. Literacy and numeracy are integral to our curriculum offer in KS3; however, all students study a broad curriculum which includes Science, Languages, Humanities, Performing Arts, PE, and Creativity. The curriculum is built to ensure students enjoy their learning whilst forming a solid foundation of substantive and disciplinary knowledge. Students have a discreet hour of PSHE each week and follow a form time scheme that regularly adapts to current issues to ensure students are informed and equipped to thrive in the 21st century. Students read every day for 25 minutes. Targeted provision such as specialist literacy is selected to complement rather than replace the mainstream curriculum with targeted intervention.

Key Stage 4

At Key Stage 4, all students fulfil the traditional, academic curriculum by studying English, Maths, Science, and a Humanity subject with learners encouraged to study the full EBacc offer. All students undertake an additional R.E GCSE in line with our values of caring about others, their beliefs, and promoting tolerance and global awareness. All students have allocated time to access core PE lessons to encourage good physical health and positive mental wellbeing. Students have a bespoke PSHE curriculum delivered through their form time programme that regularly adapts to current issues to ensure students are informed and equipped to thrive in the 21st century.

Key Stage 5

At Key Stage 5, we offer a range of A-level subjects alongside some vocational subjects such as Cambridge Technical Sports Studies. Some students access a hybrid curriculum offer in collaboration with our Trust schools in order to offer a broader choice of subjects. Most students undertake either an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) or Core Maths to enrich their core curriculum offer. Careers and work experience form an important part of our KS5 curriculum. Y12 students attend a weekly forum which involves a range of visiting speakers from a variety of organisations including universities and employers. All KS5 students study RE and PSHE as part of a bespoke form time programme and are offered individual support to access the information needed for them to excel in the next stage of their education.



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